Sunday, June 29, 2008
Oh my goodness School's Anniversary is tmrw and I need to act my role in front of those ppl! Damn! I'm so scare XD I need to act bitchy again T_T
And I also need to change real fast so tht I can perform with choir ... aww... I hope I can make it. I miss singing with all of them ~ I'm really NERVOUS right now. Hope I won't forget my costume tomorrow... la la la la~~~~
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Yes I'm back to DBSK fangirling . Together with Berri. ah ha~ She's more to Chang Min but nvm I'm still playing a major role of being Jae Joong's super fangirl XD the only not-lala-blondie. I LOVE YOU!!!
Friday, June 27, 2008

Left to right(back) : Yik Luei , Chern Jung, ME , Raymond, Calvin
(front) Keng Hoe and Li Kee
p/s : Ee Zhen was hopping so tht she can squeeze into the picture XD
Will miss you guys after you leave XD
Ee Zhen still hasn't send me the remaining pictures ><
Thursday, June 26, 2008
May Gin came back to school today. Jimmy FOLLOWED. So he's here, AGAIN.
May Gin brought Loku along. Well, he's kinda good looking. What more? Shy and Funny? not bad for someone who is actually 22 but look like 19 ~ ke
Will miss ya girl~~~ ^^ and after they left, I spent my time by chatting with Jimmy and Yik Luei despite that I have better things to do >.< (finish maths homework) and he just kept looking at his Biology when all of us were talking. That's what I call concentration. And I know I'm lacking tht particular kind of concentration. Imagine if I'm concentrate enough to study all my stuff I might be the next one to get the Noble prize. XD Then Ting King after both of them left. And it got worse when Kwan Seng came... O.o I was supposed to do maths... *yawn*
Study hard girl. C.O.N.C.E.N.T.R.A.T.E.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
First, I'm using his name as my title doesn't mean I have anything to do with him. He's just my ex-classmate. That's all. No misunderstanding.
So, he came back to school to visit US. choir members. I was enjoying my lunch until I saw Ee Zhen coming to me with some guy. And it took me minutes to figure out tht's Jimmy OMG he dyed his hair and was wearing a cap! And also a very huge black T with a very big "LAME".
I read it in Liki's blog that she and Yik Luei kept laughing at Jimmy when he went back to school during the holidays XD And I thought
And abt the play tht I'm gonna perform on the School's Aniverssary next monday, Juliana told me tht the play is hilarious and i WAS
Monday, June 23, 2008
God I'm like a total
I wanna sell all my mangas cuz they're kinda space consuming =p
anyone interested hmm?
Sunday, June 22, 2008
okay it's almost 3 in the morning and i still can't slp. sippose to go tuition tmrw at Yakin for PA. uhm... shall I use 'today'? anyway. The tuition starts at 9:45 and I'm estimating that if I go to slp at 3, I'll have only 5 hours of sleep?! OMG this is no good. The prob is, I can't sleep. The other prob is, I'm sleepy. =.=
so... it's been around one month since form 6 has started. Things aren't so relaxing as I expected. Hmmm.... Thinking of 4 subjects woulda be easier to handle if compared to 11 o.O and it doesn't seem to be so. Yes, I can't even finish my maths hw in one day, understand how to calculate number of mol. , WTH Avagado's bla bla bla , organelles (o.O") worst of all, Pengajian Am which I don't have the slightest idea of the whole subject. The only things I had enjoy myself in this subject is when Mr Shan thought us how to draw the graph. lol. The others are just DISASTER.
I know tht I'm pretty moody in this week but I don't know why. Starting to feel uncertain on a few issues. eg:
I still couldn't figure out why am I so moody for these few days. It doesn't feel good. Mom told me that I should just let the pass be the past and look forward to the future. But how? Yeah she's being so kind and nice now but ....... I'll try to let go hmmm? just gimme somemore time. 頑張れ。
Friday, June 20, 2008
Things shouldn't turn out to be like this.
Misunderstandings do take place randomly anywhr, anytime.
Am I really tht not capable to get along with ppl well?
I dunno. Maybe I really am not able to.
May things turn out to be better.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Name: Cheow Jo Ey
Sisters: 1
Brothers: 1
Shoe size: 8
Height: 160cm
Where do you live: Puchong
Favourite drinks: Soya
Favourite breakfast: Cereals
Have you ever been on a plane: yeap
Swam in the ocean: Yes
Fallen asleep in school: Usually
Broken someone's heart: Yeah
Fell off your chair: Dont remember
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: I did.
Saved e-mails: Never
What is your room like: Small and comfy
What is the last thing you ate: Nuggets and Sandwich
Ever had Chicken pox: When I was around 1
Sore throat: Duh...
Stitches: none
What's right beside you: Scanner on the left, pc on the right
Do you believe in love at first sight: no
Like picnics: no
Who was the last person you danced with: No one
Last made you smile: Talking to parents
You last yelled: In the choir room when I was talking to Juliana and Mei Qi
Talk to someone you like: eh? y not ?
Kissed anyone: Nope
Get sick: Dizzy
Talked to an ex: -
Miss someone: nope
Eat: Feels good but you ended up feeling regret
Best feeling in the world: Talk to someone tht you like
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No!
What's under your bed: Carpet
Who do you really hate: Nobody
What time is it now: 7.00 pm
Labels: Tags
Monday, June 16, 2008
Thank you Mei Qi for making the cute card for me ^^ and everyone in class too~~~ Love you guys so much XD
And still thank you guys for the wishes~ =D was so happy ^^
Han Yong , Alan , Ka Fai , Zhi Shan , Wai San , Hui Yee , Amanda , Melissa, everyone in L6B , Huan En , Han Seng , Ee Zhen , Calvin , Jensen etc.
Jeya wasn't in a good mood today... kept pickinh on me..humph! well i guess everyone will be moody when the whether is so hot! Hui Yee was sweating in the morning even the sun wasn't out yet o.O
urgh... it's so hot these days....>.<"
Labels: High School
Sunday, June 15, 2008
went to Kasturi prize giving today and I miss Yi Chin and Bowl so much XD
Happy Birthday to myself
many thanks to those who wished me =D
Couzzies~~~HAO YING , KEI KEI , JASMINE , ENG CHI =D thanks for wishing ~~~ ^^
Alex , Joon Sunn , Yong Qing , Ting King , Yee Yan , Liki , Natsumi , Mei Qi , Charis , Jasmine , Huai Cheng (sui zai) , Aaron , Amanina , Soon Jin , Pei Shan ... (Tze Siang and U-Phun)
can't wait to meet you guys next saturday~ -xoxo- Kim has been missing in action for so long ><
Mom and dad bought me Secret Recipe cheese cake XD delicious~~~
Labels: Birthday
Friday, June 13, 2008
you're 11 now and please act like one =D
love ya~
Labels: Birthday
Monday, June 09, 2008
Everyone I met in school told me the same thing today. Over and over again. But different versions XD
Hui Yee : eh?! you look better when tanned~~ I like it. (=.='' )
U-Phun : wa... equally tanned. geng
Chia Lit : yer... you look better last time. now u look ugly. (o-o )
Han Yong : I wanna tell you on holiday that you're tanned . I forgot to say tat day
Yik Luei : Wat happened to u? So tanned.
Mei Qi (again) : now we're the same colour.
Amanda : You look healthier (?!)
others : so dark liao one u.
TO CONCLUDE EVERYTHING, I SERIOUSLY DISLIKE TO BE TANNED. I shall take this as a lesson not to visit 2 beaches in 2 weeks O.o
Labels: High School
Sunday, June 08, 2008

I've waited so long for this to be published =D
felt so good for the rest of the day.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
I've thought of studying Bio but didn't seem to be able to because Hao Ying came over. And we had 'girls's talk' til 6 then, we went out together for dinner.
I'm seriously tanned right now and I should avoid to be under the sun... I don't like the tanned me... It just appears to be weird. =.="
Friday, June 06, 2008
Finally I have the time to do all the tags .... XD
8 things i am passionate about :
1. Yabu Kota
2. Yaotome Hikaru
3. write
4. chat
5. being alone sometimes
6. draw
7. sms
8. surf the net
8 things i say too often :
1. yor~~~~ / yer~~~~
2. wei
3. hahahaha~~~!!!!
4. wtf?
5. erm.....
6. dunwan XD
7. hei~~!
8. hehehehehe
8 books i have read recently :
1. to kill a mockingbird
2. five ppl you meet in heaven
3. for just one more day
4. biology text book
5. chemistry text book
6. amulet of samarkand
8. mathematics 'T'
8 things i learned last year :
1. never study , watch tv, online, sms at the same time
2. study properly
3. -
4. -
5. -
6. -
7. -
8 people i tag :
1. ka fai
2. denise
3. evelyn
4. amanda
5. lye ying
6. jasmine
7. elsie
8. joon sun
Tagged by Liki
5 things found in my bag
favourite things in my room
5 things I've always wanted to do
-get a very very good results
-to Japan
-buy a hse for my parents
-gets everything i want
-travel around the world
-have a lot of money
things I'm currently into
5 presents you wish for
- ipod
- laptop
- handphone (softbank)
- cash
- stpm straight A's ?
The person who tagged you is Liki
Your 3 impressions of Liki
- funny
- noisy
- friendly
Pass the tag to 5 people that you wish to know how they feel about you
-ka fai
-lye ying
Tagged by Liki again
Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. At what age do you wish to marry? 25/26
2. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket? Japan
3. If you could have one word that'll describe your mood right now, what would it be? bored
4. Do you think money can buy happiness? Not really
5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be? slim down and never gain weight again
6. Do you believe you can survive without money? NO
7. What are you afraid to lose the most? no idea
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do? give some to parents and keep everything in bank
9. How would you describe the person u like *at the moment*? cool
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you? Liki - noisy, friendly, cute ^^
11. What are the requirements that you wish from the other half? loyal and honest ^^ ~and looks smart =D
12. If you could rewind time would you? i guess i will, or i might not
13. What's your ambition? erm...
14. Are you emotional? I guess I am
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? Family, Love
16. If you could undo doing one mistake in the past, what would it be? never eat extra supper
17. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change? mood swings
18. What music have you been listening to recently? J-pop
19. What is the one thing you cannot do but you wish you could? be fashionable
20. What is your favourite thing in ur room? bed , bags
I tag:
-ka fai
-lye ying
Labels: Tags
Sunday, June 01, 2008
::: Natsumi can't choose what to learn lol! XD kendo or akido? hmm....
Tagged by Tze Siang
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List eight random facts about yourself.
Tag 8 people at the end of your post and list their names.
Let them know that they have been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.
1. love Yabu
2. love Hashi
3. love Japan
4. want to slim down T_T
5. Too lazy to study for undang
6. desperate to drive
7. hate physics though i tried to love it
1. ka fai
2. chloe
3. Liki
4. Briana
5. Evelyn
6. Amanda
7. Ying Hui
8. zhi shan