Saturday, May 31, 2008
Flight Delayed.
For 4 hours O.o
waited for more than 7 hours.
shiat. ><
Thursday, May 29, 2008
It was the best vacation I ever had!!!
Everything is so pretty underwater (except the sea cucumbers and sea urchins. yuck)
And my brother spotted a jellyfish.
Still no luck today T_T the cloud still blocked the sun. grrrrr
Labels: Vacation
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

See that? Sunburn! ugh.
Snorkelling for tmrw!!! yay!
Ah! I wanna learn how to play mahjong
Stupid cloud blocked the sun so we couldn't see it set T_T
Labels: Vacation
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Anyway we reached Tioman before lunch hour and had lunch at the resort. The meal was ok BUT very expensive. tsk tsk tsk.... mom said they need to transport food and stuff so eventually the price is much much higher than in KL. *yawn*
Then we had dinner at the resort too. Buffet. BBQ buffet they called it. And? The food sucks. XD I only got to grab some sausages. Some idiots just kept on taking all the food not caring about the others. Damn. And the lamb chop....urgh...=.=" Thanks to Mr. pepper sauce, it tasted splendid.

Labels: Vacation
Monday, May 26, 2008
Went back to school today for choir practice. Am so tired =.= also, I had tuition class for Maths T at 7.30.It's been almost 8 months since the last time i attended a tuition class. it was kinda interesting lol since the way our teacher talks in school reminds me of an AK47 . hmmm... izit AK 47 or AK 27? o.O
Oh and I saw Eu Chern when we had lunch at the Ipoh chicken rice shop ^^ miss him much

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Went to the book fair today with mom , sis and bro. We reached there by 10 and it was not so crowded YET.
Bought 2 novels of Mitch Albom and another book "to kill a mocking bird" haha. i wanted to buy this book for so long and finally i bought it. But I haven't start reading it though. lol~
Thursday, May 22, 2008
They made us listen to a talk today. Again. Boring. "Sex Education" pretty interesting topic huh? but believe me the speaker made it so boring. She even had a demostration on how to put on a condom. Yuck. Disgusting and embarassing to do it in front the people. *yawn*

Labels: Choir, High School, Photos
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
CONGRATULATIONS TO CHOIR!!! We won!! yeah~~~! I can enter the next round XD
tagged by Ka Fai
1. What is the most important thing in your life? Family. Money and Career come next
2. Will you consider a sexual relationship before marriage? It's at the bottom of my list
3. Do you smoke? No way
4. What is the latest gadget you own? Hard drive
5. Who did you mostly text yesterday? Natsumi
6. How old are you and are you a virgin? 16, almost 17. yea
7. What is the last thing that you bought with your own money? papaya
8. Chocolate, oreos or villa? chocolate
9. Where do you wish to get married? Rome
10. How old you think you will be permanently owned by your love? I dunno
11. How many kids do you want? more than 1, less than 5
12. Are you in love? eh? no
13. Where was the last restaurant you had dinner? Mandarin Hotel. No restaurants, only hawker stalls
14. Name the latest book that you had bought? Pre-U Chemistry Text Book
15. What is your full name? Cheow Jo Ey (aiseh)
16. Do you prefer your mother or your father? both la dun make me choose
17. Do you believe in GOD? YES and also g.h.o.s.t
18. Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time? Nobody for the time being
19. Christina or Britney? wtf o.O Britney lol
20. Do you do your laundry? The washing machine does all the work
21. The most exciting place you want to go? Japan
22. Hugs or kisses? eh eh....hugs are more than enough from friends
23. Single or attached? Single
24. Point out 5 things that made the person who tagged you associated with you.
i. Ex-classmate
ii. always look so cool
iii. I dunno T_T
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
All the best to Choir members for tmrw's comp. ^^ hope you guys make it. I wanna join you guys too~~~~
And I just figured out that WOKF and Wu Lin are two diff games. haha XP
Today's talk (for lower 6) was humourous . 10+1 of us (Me, Ching Sin, Sue Phing, Melissa, Denise, Hui Yee, Kar Jun, Han Yong, Ting King, You Siang + Chia Lit) were grouped together and we were given a topic to introduce a STRAW. In fact everyone was given the same topic. Ching Sin was really creative to come up with something called "Beauty Sucker" I'm not gonna talk much on this cuz
I just love Andrew's presentation the best lol. It was really funny. Their "Sucker Sucking Mi (i'm not sure whether it's me or mee XP)" was so cool that everyone just laughed throughout the whole presentation. And he never laugh nor smile when he joked. hmmm. Classical poker face.
Look Alike in L6B : (for the time being)
♥ Me + Mei Qi + Han Yong
♥ Hui Yee + You Siang
Labels: High School
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hero, Jae Joong (call me a Jae Joong fanatic if you want to. I don't mind)

Teppei Koike

Golf (left)

Takizawa Hideaki

Akanishi Jin

Labels: Photos
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Back to school today to join the Choir practice. Teck Lam showed us the previous year's video clip. Compared to the year b4, I think we improve drastically. The new members practice according to the schedule given and still attend practices though they're not chosen for the competition. *clap hands*
We had cup noodles & Soya Bean for lunch. Outside 7-11. Cuz the guy won't let us to stay inside. I was going to eat my noodles grr! And we shared plenty of lame jokes (mostly from me). Then King Hoe said we can get cancer by drinking soya bean. ".................." *speechless*
Chen Hong and Chen Foong came back today ^^ AGAIN. They're not coming back so often anymore when they start college. awww...... Don't get so stress Teck Lam I think they'll do fine in the comp. At least they improve a lot =D and Juinn Heng came back today too! aww still so cute and they get to see the heart and the goat and the cow. Humph! wait til i disect a rat!
p/s: Finally I found someone to accompany me to attend the 6 hours undang class XD yay~
This seem really interesting. Found it at Amanda's blog XD
Pick the month (number) you were born in
1----I fell in love with
2----I ate a
3----I smacked
4----I sang to
5----I gave my number to
6----I killed
7----I shot
8----I gave a lap dance to
9----I choked on
10---I made out with
11---I had sex with
12---I stabbedPick the day (number)
you were born on:
1-------a homeless guy
2-------a kebab
3-------a banana
4-------a sandwich
5-------a Mexican
6-------a stuffed animal
7-------a hooker
8-------a lamp
9-------my best friend
10-------a goat11-------my dog
12-------a ninja
13-------the computer
14-------a football player
15-------my neighbor
17-------a soda
18-------a llama
19-------a baby
20------ a gangster
21-------a permanent marker
22-------my dad
23-------a chair
24-------my psychiatrist
25-------a policeman
26-------my brother
27-------my sister
28-------a baseball bat
29-------a DVD player
30-------a paperclip
31-------my cell phone
Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White------Because I was high.
Black-------Because I was drunk.
Pink--------Because i was bored
Red---------Because the voices told me to.
Blue--------Because I'm sexy and I do what I want.
Green------Because I hate myself.
Purple------Because I'm naked.
Gray--------Because I'm mentally disturbed.
Yellow------Because someone offered me 1,000,000
EuroShirtless---Because i was horny
Orange----Because I hate my family.
Brown-----Because i was hungry.
Other-----Because i'm gangsta
Labels: Funny Tags, High School
Friday, May 16, 2008
Before I start, I just realised that I left my Bendahari badge on my uniform yesterday. o.O

It's Teacher's Day and it's the first time I go to school on this day since Form4 XP Lower Sixes are supposed to go thr and clean the hall after the event. It IS a tradition. I didn't do the cleaning cuz I fled to Choir Room soon after they ended the show in the hall. The air-cond there is pretty cool. No sweat. And I did enjoy the show alot. Raymond, Teck Lam, and Yik Luei's performance was SPLENDID. They could've be Il Divo the 2nd lolx.
Many of the school leavers went back to school today. The twins, Eve and Eva were there. Then, Chen Hong and Chen Foong, who are also twins. I could no longer tell who is who after not meeting them for so long. Then Wai Jin was also thr with a pretty cool haircut. Looks like those guys from Korean dramas and he reminds me of Shaggy from Scooby Doo (only because they have the almost same hairstyle). =p Yi Pei was there too. He has a pretty cool hairstyle too and very cute. Yi Chin was thr. But there's not much change with his hairstyle. Still the same old Yi Chin. Yik Luei's still in Form 5 BUT his hair looks cool too.
Joyce called. She's been missing in action for SO LONG. miss her so much.
There's a guy in both soparano and alto. That's just too cool. Teck Lam's bro is SO CUTE.
I hope that Choir will do well in their comp cuz I want to join them badly T^T
"All The Best"
Labels: High School
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Hero ♥ Joey

I had a dream of Hero, Jaejoong dancing in a parking lot last night. weird. And he's smiling and laughing all the way, looking like a total maniac because he was dancing and smiling ALONE. Anyway, he's hot. As usual.
He's the only one I've ever seen in the whole universe who look VERY hot and yet cute with blond hair and not lala. Guys like him are just too perfect to exist on Earth lolx.

Today in school was fun too. Teacher is going to teach Mathematics T tmrw and I don't have the text book. Aikx.
And we went into our respective classes today. I'm the class's treasurer.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Today's the first day to school. It's really a fun day. We stayed at the Lecture Hall for the whole day. Things became more interesting when the Upper Sixes show us their disection projects. Pictures of disected rats with their organs hanging all over the place were shown on the LCD screen. There's also a rat which had been skinned by one of the students. It's skin was placed neatly right beside the skinless rat. Poor thing.
And then we are going to start the "Angels and Mortals" game. One of the traditions of the Form 6. We were to write letters to 2 seniors and on the last day of the activity, we have to find out who the person is. (we don't know who are we writing to, as we got their names by lucky draw. And they just wrote a nickname.)
Friday, May 09, 2008
Just when my school's starting, I'm having strange dreams every night!
I was riding a bicycle in my dream last night. Instead of a bicycle, it was a TRICYCLE. WTF am I learning how to ride a tricycle when I'm trying my best to learn how to drive a CAR?!
Labels: Dreams
Thursday, May 08, 2008

And also, this is the first time I want this holiday of mine to last forever. I'm gonna start f6 next Monday. This is so so so so weird. I've been waiting this day for so long and now I'm saying "Oh please. May this holiday will never end!!!!"
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Mom's been obsessed in baking cakes lately. She can bake 3 of them in one morning. geesh. Thank goodness is delicious or our poor stomachs will definitely suffer a lot. My cousin pay us a visit during labour's day and both of them baked the whole day O.O
It has become a weekly routine as my mom goes to my cousin's house every Sunday to talk about bakery. Well at least she found something to do.
And she went shopping for flour this morning. AGAIN.

pweety assorted mix

It has become a weekly routine as my mom goes to my cousin's house every Sunday to talk about bakery. Well at least she found something to do.
And she went shopping for flour this morning. AGAIN.

pweety assorted mix

Monday, May 05, 2008
The rules are:
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player than tags 4 people and posts their names, than goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
1. What was I doing 10 years ago ( year 1998)?
Standard one , running around the school compound with my friends like monkeys.
2. 5 things on my to-do list today.
-go kinokuniya to get POPTEEN
-fax Natsumi some stuffs
-practise piano
3. 5 Snacks I enjoy.
- Mr Potato
- Oreo
- ...
- ...
- ...
4. 5 Things I would do if I were a billionaire.
- pay the moon a visit
- build a house on the moon
- run a bank
- give some to my family
- build a house on earth to keep all money
5. 5 of my bad habits.
- Drama Queen
- Sensitive
- Laziness
- Too loud =.="
- X caring
6. 5 place i have lived
- mom's belly
- lived at the hospital for a few days after i'm born
- Happy Garden
- BK
7. 5 jobs I've had
- Student
- Part time maid
- Mama's girl
- Papa's girl
- myself
~*4 people I tag*
~1. kao kao
~2. wei ying
~3. lye ying
~4. Liki
Sunday, May 04, 2008
2 more weeks and Form 6 is starting, and I'm back to the same old school, and back to my old life. Well I guess it's better than just staying at home, doing nothing. My cousins are all so hardworking to study for their SPM. And the exam is nowhere near yet. Looking at them make me feel embarassed lol. I hadn't start studying til September. I guess that's why my parents were so mad at me.
Speaking of hardwork, Natsumi is really hardworking for her PMR. Surprisingly rude, she said "I did my exams badly cuz I didn't get an A for 2 of my subjects."
and I just go : "=.=|||"
Haven't been seeing May Gin and Joyce for so long now and I miss them so much! hope to see them soon~~~
Thursday, May 01, 2008
It's Labour's Day~ Holiday again but I'm not going anywhere cause my cousin is coming over to bake with my mom =.= great. more breads and cakes for us. Crap I'm gonna be heavier again lolx.
And there's bad news for me. My relative just text me and told me that she's not coming back from Kedah this weekend cuz her exams have been postponed to next monday because of question leakage. WTF??!!!! And I thought I can go shopping this weekend! DAMN! T_T well there's always a "next weekend".
I hope something interesting will gonna happen later.......
maybe I should study undang....><