Saturday, July 05, 2008
so not into blogging recently. anyway, blog moved to
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Oh my goodness School's Anniversary is tmrw and I need to act my role in front of those ppl! Damn! I'm so scare XD I need to act bitchy again T_T
And I also need to change real fast so tht I can perform with choir ... aww... I hope I can make it. I miss singing with all of them ~ I'm really NERVOUS right now. Hope I won't forget my costume tomorrow... la la la la~~~~
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Yes I'm back to DBSK fangirling . Together with Berri. ah ha~ She's more to Chang Min but nvm I'm still playing a major role of being Jae Joong's super fangirl XD the only not-lala-blondie. I LOVE YOU!!!
Friday, June 27, 2008

Left to right(back) : Yik Luei , Chern Jung, ME , Raymond, Calvin
(front) Keng Hoe and Li Kee
p/s : Ee Zhen was hopping so tht she can squeeze into the picture XD
Will miss you guys after you leave XD
Ee Zhen still hasn't send me the remaining pictures ><
Thursday, June 26, 2008
May Gin came back to school today. Jimmy FOLLOWED. So he's here, AGAIN.
May Gin brought Loku along. Well, he's kinda good looking. What more? Shy and Funny? not bad for someone who is actually 22 but look like 19 ~ ke
Will miss ya girl~~~ ^^ and after they left, I spent my time by chatting with Jimmy and Yik Luei despite that I have better things to do >.< (finish maths homework) and he just kept looking at his Biology when all of us were talking. That's what I call concentration. And I know I'm lacking tht particular kind of concentration. Imagine if I'm concentrate enough to study all my stuff I might be the next one to get the Noble prize. XD Then Ting King after both of them left. And it got worse when Kwan Seng came... O.o I was supposed to do maths... *yawn*
Study hard girl. C.O.N.C.E.N.T.R.A.T.E.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
First, I'm using his name as my title doesn't mean I have anything to do with him. He's just my ex-classmate. That's all. No misunderstanding.
So, he came back to school to visit US. choir members. I was enjoying my lunch until I saw Ee Zhen coming to me with some guy. And it took me minutes to figure out tht's Jimmy OMG he dyed his hair and was wearing a cap! And also a very huge black T with a very big "LAME".
I read it in Liki's blog that she and Yik Luei kept laughing at Jimmy when he went back to school during the holidays XD And I thought
And abt the play tht I'm gonna perform on the School's Aniverssary next monday, Juliana told me tht the play is hilarious and i WAS